POLL: Should psychedelic drugs be studied for mental health therapy?

The need for an alternative for prescription pills has never been greater, and a range of new therapies are causing many to rethink mental health and how we treat it.

Psychedelics like Psilocybin – the active ingredient in magic mushrooms – are attracting growing attention for their potential benefits for mental health problems in recent years. Studies are increasing regarding their role in treating psychiatric problems like depression, anxiety, substance use disorders, even PTSD. What do you think?

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42 thoughts on “POLL: Should psychedelic drugs be studied for mental health therapy?”

  1. Absolutely!! These drugs in micro-doses will help break through the walls of our ego. With proper guidance, healing is quicker.

  2. Our pharmaceuticals companies are so interested in making money off the sick that they don’t want to look at God’s Garden!! Often times the challenges people have are because of the drugs they took to begin with!!

  3. By any chance these medicaments could be addressed to the brain function of a 61 year old patient who had his fourth stroke last year and still cannnot talk ? The area of speech was affected, but the cognitive fortunately not. it is working perfectly.

  4. As an alternative medicine, we need all to work together to make sure what is needed for our patient’s or clients’ mental wellbeing is the best, by us to research and with the help of others we can make the difference.

  5. I CAN NOT SAY Ye or Nay at this moment in TIME. That’s why I checked Undecided!
    I really Don’t Know… but Studies and Time will tell with the daily, and continued use of the Mushrooms.

  6. Shrooms as we called them were studied in the past. The movie “Jacob’s Ladder” was based on a true experiment done in Vietnam just like Agent Orange. Over the years many of or service people were exposed to many things. I’ve had them in no old aid in the 70s, powdered in the 80s, n raw in the 90s. Contrary to belief, much of “Mother Nature’s” offerings are much safer than greedy Bug Pharma‼ Just look at Botox. Has much value to our bodies. Tyvm for this opportunity to comment. GOD BLESS‼🙏😇

  7. I am a recovering addict of 27 years and many years ago I took some of those psychedelics. I cannot imagine LSD or mushrooms being the least bit therapeutic

  8. I had a spiritual experience as a result of ingesting several “magic” mushrooms on an empty stomach after a 24-hour fast. It changed my life and still registers, after nearly 30 years, as the most significant experience of my life.

  9. No because a drug like that could be habit forming. Why go around being high, sober minded is better than putting a person on a drug that is a psycheldelic drug.

  10. Magic mushrooms in micro dosing is something i am interested in using in my business, the benefits are amazing they have been studied since the 1950/60s so its about time they were acknowledged widely, they are used to treat people, but its not something the pharmaceutical companies want coz its natural product that people can get freely so no profit going to them

  11. ABSOLUTELY….DO IT BEFORE SOME GERMAN DOES AND GETS ALL THE CREDIT…ALLES KLAHR! siberian shamen used mushrooms, see book by Allegra? maybe J.C. used them

  12. I had maybe the most beautiful experience of my life as a result of eating “magic mushrooms,” in Mexico many years ago. I never have forgotten how it made me feel, how peaceful! The colors were beyond imagination, the music heavenly, and, though I wasn’t a particularly religious person, one vision was of Jesus speaking the Sermon on the Mount from a nearby hillside–breathtaking and beyond memorable! YES! I think magic mushrooms could truly help people with mental health problems, or those having anger or anxiety issues–or just about anything! I’d take it rather than ANY pharmaceutical product any day! No after-effects or anything, just peace and gratitude!

  13. I have tried many psychedelics and strongly believe that there is tremendous potential to continue the intense study of these substances for revealing their value in treating psychosis etc,

  14. I overcame my shyness around people by smoking pot yrs. ago. I never did it much but could see inside myself and the wrong way I was thinking.

  15. No substances should be off limits to adults. No one has the right to tell a adult what they can eat, smoke, drink, or inject. The only “drug” law I want to see is “Truth in Labeling” !!!

  16. The human brain is amazing. We should explore every possible avenue to enhance it with different experiences and trials to help heal people with neurologi
    cal issues.

  17. The human brain is amazing. We should explore every possible avenue to enhance it with different experiences and trials to help heal people with neurological issues.

  18. The ancient Maya used Psilocybin mushrooms in order to communicate with their Gods. Today there are still women schamen who practice Psilocybin mushroom ceremonies for many different reasons in Juatla de Jimenez, Oaxaca, Mexico.
    Yes, I absolutely believe that are great benefits that can be derived with the use of Hallucinogenic Mushrooms, to treat a. variety of mental conditions.
    Psilocybin Mushrooms are not the type of drug that one would take to get “High”. they are rather a type of medicine.

  19. As long as Big Pharma doesn’t change the ingredients! Must be all natural & use homeopathic doctors to conduct the study with medical doctors on sidelines. No censorship of results!

  20. DA EH über 95 % der Medi s NUR Der Pharma/Apo und Ärzten, beim Füllen ihrer Geldbeutel Hilft. ist dies NUR Empfehlenswert

  21. „Prevention is always better than cure“. I believe that is also true for mental health.. Depending on one‘s personality appropriate tasks or hobbies should be offered and explored like gardening, art, cooking, hiking etc which will help one to destress mentally.

  22. Do we really need a country full of space cadets?? Our youth need to learn to be responsible. They need to learn that life can be tough and not everyone gets a trophy. Why don’t we find out WHY they have psychological issues. They need a cure not a fix (literally). Why don’t we figure out how to fix the reduced testosterone in males today, rather than just accepting that having female tendencies is ok?


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