
High-Quality CBD Products Designed to Help You Prosper

Who We Are

Kriss and Chaz’ lives were transformed so completely by CBD that they decided to start a business together and spread the word together with medical advisor Dr. Ralph La Guardia. Kriss is Certified in Medical Marijuana from Cannabis Training University and our lab facility is certified by the US Hemp Authority, which has the strictest standards in the industry. 

Our goal is to help 1 million people get relief everyday and halt the opioid epidemic using the power of hemp and CBD. We believe that western medicine is failing millions of people, and we want to empower people to take control of their health without dangerous drugs or surgery.

Latest Articles

which cbd is best for diabetics

A Dose of Wellness: Discover Which CBD is Best for Diabetics

Alright, let’s get straight to the point – living with diabetes isn’t a walk in the park. The constant monitoring of blood sugar levels, dietary restrictions, and the persistent worry about potential complications can take a toll. But here’s the silver lining. There’s been a lot of buzz around CBD, and it’s not just because … Read more
is cbd bad for your liver

Is CBD Bad for Your Liver? The Science-Backed Truth

So, you’ve probably heard all the buzz about CBD, right? It’s everywhere these days – from wellness shops to your aunt’s Facebook posts. And hey, we get it; its benefits sound almost too good to be true. But amidst all this hype, a critical question pops up: “Is CBD bad for your liver?” Now, that’s … Read more
what drugs should not be taken with CBD

What Drugs Should Not Be Taken with CBD: A Comprehensive Guide

In the diverse world of supplements and medications, CBD has made a notable mark, boasting a range of potential benefits from anxiety relief to pain management. As its popularity grows, so does the necessity for comprehensive information on how to use it safely and effectively. One crucial aspect of this conversation centers around the interactions … Read more
cbd vs bcp

CBD vs BCP: Understanding These Magic Cannabinoids

In the diverse world of cannabinoids, CBD and BCP have emerged as notable mentions. While CBD has been a familiar term for those acquainted with cannabis wellness trends, BCP, or beta-caryophyllene, is earning its spotlight for its distinctive attributes and effects. Both are compounds that interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system but in distinctly different … Read more
cbd vs kava

Root or Remedy: CBD vs Kava in the Relaxation Race

In the world of natural remedies, the spotlight often shines on ingredients that promise relaxation and anxiety relief. Among the most discussed are CBD and kava, each having its own unique set of benefits and uses. In this article we’ll explore CBD vs kava and unpack the properties of these two popular choices. Though both … Read more
does cbd thin blood

Fact or Fiction: Does CBD Thin Blood?

Navigating the expansive world of CBD claims can sometimes feel like traversing a maze, with each turn presenting a new assertion about its effects on the human body. “Does CBD thin blood?” is a question that has spurred both concern and curiosity, especially for those considering CBD as a part of their health regimen. The … Read more
cbd vs zoloft

From Plant to Pill: CBD vs Zoloft for Mental Well-Being

In the ever-evolving world of mental health treatments, two contenders have emerged in the spotlight: CBD, the natural compound hailing from the cannabis plant, and Zoloft, a well-established pharmaceutical antidepressant. The comparison of “CBD vs Zoloft” isn’t just about nature versus medicine; it’s a reflection of a larger conversation on holistic wellness, the role of … Read more
cbd skincare benefits

Glow Naturally: CBD Skincare Benefits for Radiant Skin

In the ever-evolving realm of skincare, a new champion emerges from the natural world, promising not just rejuvenation but a holistic approach to beauty: CBD. But what’s behind this buzzword, and can it truly transform our skin? “Glow Naturally: CBD Skincare Benefits for Radiant Skin” delves into the science and allure of CBD in beauty … Read more
does cbd stop dreams

Does CBD Stop Dreams? Exploring the Effects on REM Sleep

The world of sleep is as fascinating as it is essential to our well-being. From the mysteries of the subconscious to the science of brain activity during rest, there’s so much we are still uncovering. A topic of increasing curiosity is the role of cannabidiol (CBD) in our sleep cycles. Specifically, many are asking the … Read more