Inside Look: How Does a CBD Tincture Work?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is gaining popularity as an alternative health treatment, but like many, you may be wondering how does a CBD tincture work? There are so many questions surrounding this product and the effects it has on our bodies. To start, it’s important to understand what a CBD tincture is and how it works. And … Read more

How Does CBD Help Sleep?

The use of Cannabidiol (CBD) for health and wellness is becoming increasingly popular and many people are turning to CBD as an alternative treatment option for a variety of ailments, including insomnia. But many of us are wondering, how does CBD help sleep? While research into the effects of CBD on sleep is still in … Read more

Is CBG the New CBD?

You’ve undoubtedly heard of CBD, which is a particular compound (called a cannabinoid) derived from a cannabis plant. It can come from the hemp plant, which has less than .3% THC (which is what makes people feel “high”) or from the marijuana plant which can have over this 0.3% THC limit. CBD has been hailed … Read more